Friday, January 6, 2012

The Darkest Hour (2011)

Hey! 2012 is here and hopefully better movies are on the rise this year.  I want a year of originality! Not sequels of sequels (ParanormalActiv3, HarryPotter8ish, IronMan2, such).  So its time to put the past behind us, NEW REVIEW YEAH!  The Darkest Hour really got me pumped.  I saw a bunch of trailers early on and was excited to see it.  Unfortunately, I am 15 and in High School; I'm not able to go to advance screenings or midnight premieres.  So I resort to going a couple of weeks after the release when i have no homework.  Anyways, The Darkest Hour is probably one of the coolest YouTube videos off all time...If it wasn't a full-length film.  The effects are really cool, the aliens look awesome, but the film goes nowhere.  I would love to see the people go to the alien ships and conquer them from up there.  But no.  The acting was horrific, and the 3-D (which I did not want to pay for), was unnecessary.  I left the theater disappointed and thinking how much I wanted to go see Mission: Impossible 4 again (review to come).
BOTTOM LINE:  The disappointing film goes nowhere, when you think it has potential, you start to wonder what pitched the movie to the executives at the studios.  Thanks for getting me excited for nothing!

-jack :D

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