Monday, November 12, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)

Halloween began early with an October-full of horror flicks.  'Resident Evil' brought the action back to 3D, 'Sinister' (review to come) rattled the month off with scares centralized on old Super 8 murder tapes,  and 'Paranormal Activity,' the annual horror tradition has once again failed to scare anybody over the age of 12.  This is unfortunate, however, because this 'Paranormal' is a real sucker.  This time around, the film changes the setting of Southern California and pushes the film to a new family living in  Colorado.  The new setting is a breath of fresh air, but the old scare-tactics are still present.  Sure, the producers upped the budget and made an introduction into CGI, but the more the CGI is present, the less "real" it is.  This movie is garbage, seriously.  The writing is horrendous, and the acting makes you want to puke.  But you have to hand it to Kathryn Newton, she does a superb job portraying "Alex."  I feel let-down and disappointed after seeing PA4 because PA3 was such a well-made movie.  I don't really know what else to say... the movie is a product of greedy money-makers.  When Paranormal Activity 5 is going to arrive next October, the producers need to refresh the ill-fated series. (By the way, PA5 has been greenlit and is FOR SURE coming to theaters next year).  
Paranormal Activity 4 PosterBottom Line:  PA4 tries to be different, but it can't shake it's over-used formula so many people are used to.


Jack F.

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