Thursday, October 27, 2011

Review: Planet Terror

Planet Terror, about a bioweapon that causes widespread disease, is a very gory, trilling, and disgusting movie.  It catches the attention of everyone who likes 1.) Action 2.) Horror 3.) Zombies, and 4.) Prosthetic Leg Machine Guns.  Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?!  It starts off well, but then gets out of control.  When the disease is more widespread, it is a gorefest.  Crazy.  Then, as it is entering the climax, it goes crazy with the machine-gun leg, the explosions, body count, ect.  But, in the midst, this is actually a bitter-sweet movie.  It brings out the teenager in you (and I can say that!).  It is pumped with adrenaline and then some.  This movie is going to be an underground cult flick, somewhat like Evil Dead.  Bottom Line:  With the action, the gore, and the direction under Rodriguez, this is definitely the better of the Grindhouse duo.

High B
'Til Next Time

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